Pakistan Legal


Company Registration

Company Registration | Company Registration in Karachi, Islamabad/Rawalpindi & Lahore, Pakistan

Company Registration | Company Registration in Karachi, Islamabad/Rawalpindi & Lahore, Pakistan Company Registration Process in Karachi, Islamabad/Rawalpindi & Lahore-Pakistan Company Registration in Karachi-Islamabad, Pakistan & Company Incorporation Process: The company registration procedure in Pakistan is smooth. A company formation procedure lasts just a day or two, but for a partnership

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Banking Law in Pakistan

Banking Lawyer | Banking Law Specialists in Pakistan: Qanoon House Advocates Demystifying Banking Law in Pakistan Banking law in Pakistan is primarily defined by the Banking Companies Ordinance 1962, alongside associated regulations. This ordinance plays a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s banking sector. It designates the State Bank of

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tax planning

Tax Lawyer in Pakistan

Tax Lawyer | Taxation Law Specialists in Pakistan: Qanoon House Advocates Taxation Law in Pakistan Taxation law in Pakistan is primarily regulated by two key statutes: the Income Tax Ordinance of 2001 and the Sales Tax Act of 1990. The Income Tax Ordinance 2001 is pivotal in taxing individuals, companies,

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online nikah

Is Online Nikah or Online Marriage Legal in Pakistan, Valid in Islam

Is Online Nikah or Online Marriage Legal in Pakistan and Valid as per Islam The Legitimacy of Online Marriage (Online Nikah) via Proxy/Vakeel/Attorney in Pakistan: An Analysis in Light of Islamic Teachings and Modern Challenges In a world increasingly interconnected by technology, the concept of online interactions has extended to

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12 Tables (Twelve Tables) of Ancient Roman Law

12 Tables (Twelve Tables) of Ancient Roman Law Home Blog 12 Tables (Twelve Tables) of Ancient Roman Law 12 Tables of Law were one example to prove that Ancient Rome was an advanced society. The Romans were a very advanced society. They had an alphabet, built roads and bridges, and

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Banking Law in Pakistan


Banking Lawyer | Banking Law Specialists in Pakistan: Qanoon House Advocates Demystifying Banking Law in Pakistan Banking law in Pakistan...

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tax planning

Tax Lawyer in Pakistan


Tax Lawyer | Taxation Law Specialists in Pakistan: Qanoon House Advocates Taxation Law in Pakistan Taxation law in Pakistan is...

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